Wedding season is on the horizon, and you or someone you know may be feeling the pressure of finding a new do. From beautiful beach waves to sophisticated chignons, let’s go over some ways you can style your tresses! When you’ve found the perfect look to rock, reach out to our team at Salon Antoine to book an appointment.
Short Hairstyles
If you’ve got short hair, you may find yourself worrying about how to style it differently than your regular appearance. Well, there are a ton of ways to have your Cinderella moment, so let’s take a look at what is available. One idea to keep your short locks from blocking your beautiful makeup is to do a braided updo. Starting from the top, to the middle, and down, you’ll braid your tresses until it’s resting neatly. This elegant do will inspire attention from every angle while holding up beautifully on the dance floor! For those with hair that can’t hold braids, try a soft curled bob. This style has a vintage actress appearance that’ll have everyone swooning! Or, you can always go for light waves with a nice crossover braid that’ll provide the perfect mix of comfort and style.

Long Hairstyles
For those who have more hair than they know what to do with, we’ve got you covered! One chic way to style your locks is to do lush curls with a waterfall braid at the top. This regal look is timeless, and it’ll be sure to stir conversation when you walk down the aisle. Since summer brings about humid conditions, you may find that having your hair on your neck is a no-go. Try out a twisted bun that’ll keep everything pinned in place. For a more natural style, pull out some strands to give it a more woodsy, elegant appeal. If you’ve got thick hair, we have to bring your attention to the next idea! Just take two tops sections of locks on each side and braid them. After this, you’ll put the rest of your tresses in a bun and pin the braids atop it like a crown.

Natural Hair
Finding the right hairstyle for your loved one’s big day is of the utmost importance, so let’s go over ideas for natural hair. The first look you can do is a sophisticated side twisted updo, which is easily achieved. Just section your hair and curl while your locks are dry! A low bun is also a great way to look stunning for wedding day pictures. You’ll need to blow your hair out and apply mousse. Once this is done, bantu knot the locks in place. After your curls are fully dry, just take out the bantu knots and separate them. To truly bring the look together, try adding a regal barrette or even a floral piece. To find the right style for your hair, make an appointment at Salon Antoine and our skilled stylists will have you feeling your best.